V_Klint: Back on the market after 16 years

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About Me:
And I'll save anyone who wants to talk to me some time. Lol
It was a mutual....ish breakup. Reason being that we ended up arguing too much and realized that we had become more like friends then lovers. I'm incredibly lovey and passionate and there was none of that left between us.
So, about me. I like music, movies, games, tech. I really love being out in any kind of nature, animals. Being near any type of water, especially the beach. I love driving with no destination and spontaneously doing something totally from out the sky.
Plenty more fun stuff to talk about and I'm tired of typing so, if you want to ask me anything then go for it. I'm weirdly honest. Meaning I dont lie......even when I should and when normal people would. So yeah..... dont take advantage of that.?