jordanlicks: im 48 bored single and high lookin for same to pnp

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About Me:
honesty lotalty, clean chivalry. tacos drugs
funny as f*ck. need a girl
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Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 27 years old and younger than 57 years old.
Sender must be located within 200 miles of this user.
Female just turned 40 I don't think women really start to enjoy sex until 30 or I didn't at least and so I've only had like 10 years of really really wanting to be f***** I just want to smoke and f*** I'm in Nevada where the hell is everybody. I don't even care like women men. I mean I've never really been that intimate with a woman, but I mean I'm pretty try-sexual. I'll try anything a couple times. How the f*** else can you tell if you like it? If you don't try it at least twice!
oh, she’s a female all right she’s hot as f*ck big a** tits great bl**job super hot f*ck