Maurice6132: Very Single & Ready To Commit

This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 43 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.
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About Me:
My favorite pastimes are spending time with the ones I love, writing my own music{rather it be R&B, or rap}, and over the past few years because of my previous situation I've come to love the enjoyment and vibe of country music and so I've started listening to that as well.
Anyway I'm here looking for something that I've yet to find and I hope and pray that I've made a good choice.
So if you're interested in any kind of way, please leave a message.
My Ideal Match:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 30 years old and younger than 40 years old.
Sender must be located within 5 miles of this user.