AquaDiamond: Looking For TRUE Love

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About Me:
Im a responsible adult with a full time position, and I know what I want in life. I don't want children's games anymore or to play with people's emotions. I want real, true love.
My Ideal Match:
Ill spare the usual formalities and dig right to what I want: Im looking for love. That "Ms. Right", if you will. I don't want a quick, meaningless fling with a lover who won't bother learning my name.
I want a woman who gets me, someone I feel alive with. I want to give someone my whole heart and soul. Someone to truly enjoy life with. A girl to kiss, cuddle, and make love with AS WELL as just laugh and be silly and share everything with each other.
I want a woman who will be the center of my world that I will treat like a queen. Truly a love. Not a crush, an infatuation. Love. Plain and simple.