Glenglen: Hello. I'm glen. Chat me up ok?
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About Me:
But I do love the Big cities because there's always something going on and you can usually find whatever it is you're looking for. ? I'm generally kind to people , And pretty levelheaded . I consider myself to be quite talented, I have Skills. I spent quite a bit of time perfecting those skills? I'm honest and dependable,and anytime somebody needs some help I'm happy to use what I know to give them a hand. Also l play guitar, I've been doing it a long time. And I really love concerts, Live music gets me off. I love my family, and I always try to do the right thing. OK I can run on but. I'm looking for someone I can trust . Hot oil massages,Kisses all over. o build a big bonfire, , Lay down a blanket and have fun by the fire,