GuitarMan: In need of a Partner to Paint my Music of Love.

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About Me:
I find the vibrations, movement, and flow of sound to be core to our feelings.
I express mine through the touch of my fingers on the strings of my guitars.
I have only just begun my journey down this path so, therefore, If you asked me to play anything other than my own music, you would be sadly disappointed.
However, If you allow me to look into your eyes of caring and whatever emotion, I would do my best to match it through my play.
During our hardships over this past year, I must say, my music has saved me and my sanity at times. By choice, I have been absent from any emotional entanglements.
It was easier to discover how I wanted to live out the possibilities of what can be remaining. I have had a peak and it piqued my interests.
I'm simple, don't really care for games anymore nor work... I love to cook, I keep a clean house. I do like a nice bowl to relax with... There is still a lot "there" to be had and enjoyed.
Let's see if the tune comes around.
My Ideal Match:
If you know who you want??? Are you sure I fit? I bend... only so far... 3 have tried.
If you know the one to be there for you to be mature??? I may have a moment of that. lol
If you are looking for a partner in "your" future... then let's see if we can share yours and mine? After all, yours and mine remain.
Long-range.. sure
mid-range.. .mhm
Short chats sure
I've been around... I have few choices, and few requirements. I am sure I will have fewer than most. I look inside 1st...