aanderson98660: Kind. Respectful. Easy Going. Love. Friends. Happiness.

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About Me:
I enjoy things such as biking and walking in nature. Walking the dogs. Working on taking care of myself first, but am one who enjoys serving others and the greater good so to speak over anything else.
Talk about your goals, aspirations, and future plans
This is all changing since separated. And ever evolving. First is to improve my own self. Second is to surround myself with at least 5 friends that share my same values in life (hence why I'm on here?). It'll be a miracle if I can accomplish that in one year. But I'm going to try!
Talk about yourself, your personality, and what makes you unique
What makes me unique? Me! Everyone says I'm a very unique person and that they've never met someone quite like me. I'm shocked when they follow that up with a list of positive things.
I've been told I'm super easy to talk to. That I'm rare because I don't judge or compare, and accept people for who they are.
Talk about your taste in music, movies, sports, games and tv shows
I don't watch that much tv (movies). I enjoy a wide variety of music but don't listen to much music. I prefer music without words. I also don't watch much of any sports. Call me weird, but I don't quite get the concept. I guess I fail at these categories.
List anything else specifically that you enjoy or that is important to you.
Service is important to me. Love is important. Being kind.