WeirdNProud75: I prefer being weird. Normal is highly overrated.

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About Me:
I work at an insurance company to pay the bills, and well...having food to eat is good. I also do Reiki, write fantasy novels, and I just concocted a master plan for a YouTube vlog channel, so we'll see how crazy I get with that.
Peace, love, and acceptance are the things that drive me. I strive daily to be a better human. I value human connection. Physical touch is very powerful for me. I love everyone in my life whether they be friends, my kids, or my romantic partners. I'm really good at being deeply in touch with my own energy, and being sensitive to the energy of other humans. I'm also a really good listener, so if you need a listening ear, I've got two of them. I'm often thinking about Instinct vs. Instruction (ask me about this), human existence, non-conformity, and personal growth. Oh, and magic!
Here are just a few of the many interests that are important to me:
BOOKS: Fantasy, Sci-fi, and some nonfiction. My favorite authors are Terry Brooks, Brandon Sanderson, Neil Gaiman, and George R.R. Martin.
MOVIES: Charade, A Beautiful Mind, Star Wars (OT), The Lord of the Rings, etc. I like certain documentaries too.
TV: Game of Thrones, Black Sails, Orphan Black, Doctor Who, Sherlock, etc.
ART: Jean-Leon Gerome (ask me), Monet, Picasso, etc.
MUSIC: Louis Armstrong, Mozart, Evanescence, Linkin Park, and many others.
FOOD: Yes please! If cheesecake is involved I will gladly be your slave.
My Ideal Match:
You should message me if you want to spend time with a creative, and unconventional guy. I am not monogamous, so you need to be open-minded. I'm an amazing father, friend, and lover. You'll be glad you got to know me better. Cheers!
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 27 years old and younger than 43 years old.
Sender must be located within 35 miles of this user.