NPAHZMAERD: New Here, Don't Be Reserved To Reach Out!
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Let's Hang Out today!
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About Me:
I'm a verrrrry POSITIVE person by choice and I strive to find and bring out the BEST in people! I find that I let myself become very invested in people that I allow into my life and I start to genuinely care about them and their well-being and happiness. I will VALUE YOU, your time, your FEELINGS, and your thoughts. I am THAT SOMEONE for you that you can just be YOURSELF with, and NOT be fearful and have any reservations or concerns that I am going to judge you for the person you are, or for ANYTHING that you choose to share with me. I will ALWAYS give you a SAFE place to have you present the REAL YOU that you truly are inside and I won't let you hide behind surface talk that never lets me (historically anyone) KNOW the REAL YOU!
Sometimes, particularly on here, I like to see who is a "Go-Getter". Maybe that's you?! :-D Don't let yourself get in your own way of reaching out to me...take a chance! I'm only a message away. :-D
I will say that I don't relate/connect well with people that say very few words and do not communicate. We're both here to CONNECT, so let's do that :-D
For our peace of mind and respecting each other's time, I am 100% REAL and we can BOTH verify that for each other from the jump! I've noticed there's many fake profiles and catfishes on here and I don't waste time, the one thing in life that we can never have back once it's gone.