ministermarty: like me for who i am
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I am only attracted mostly to white men. i am looking for someone that is my age or pretty close to my age. its been said that opposites attract. to have alot or something in common is one thing but to be exactly like the other person we would drive each other crazy. i wouldn't want to with any one who is identical to myself. i just assume stay by myself. I have to tell you because I am a black man don't assume that I have a big d*ck and Im a top. its not always true. yes I am well endowed. But I am not a top. I dont understand. What has happened to just loving each other? Why do we have to be a top or a bottom. theres so much more to a relationship then being fucked or getting fucked. dont get me wrong I love sex but i dont want to have it limited to being a certain type of sex when its so much to explore. the first thing is communication be honest to yourself and the other person about what you want and like and what you dont like and re not willing to do. we love sex, we love having sex, but we do not want to talk about sex. Until two people can honestly sit down and be open as couples should be then i cant see any relationship going very far. sorry that just my opinion. life is to short to keep everything bottled up. open up and enjoy life to the fullest. loving each other should be fun it shouldnt be a relationship of a guessing game. talk to each other, listen to each other, be one with each other. we can do it. we tend to make things harder then they need to be.