hummingbird: Tell me what makes a man
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About Me:
My pictures may depict me as a fun guy (and I am but what I want and covet at the end of a long hard day when you have no energy left, is that hour of pillow talk you spend chatting about whatever with your significant other. I want that connection. Letterman's Top 10 Reasons why you should respond:
10. Successful as defined by John Maxwell. Those who know you the best, love you the most.
9. Confident. I believe in myself without arrogance and I keep myself grounded.
8. Aggressive in reaching goals. Actively and boldly challenging the world, myself and others.
7. Fun! But I can't spell the greatest fun of all without U
6. Sensitive. In touch with my own emotions and the world around me, yet mainly in the ways of the world.
5. Active listener and a good communicator, social chameleon.
4. Man of integrity but one who writes the rules to be followed.
3. Charming and attractive.
2. Witty with a wicked sense of humor.
1. Independent, yet interdependent. I don't need you, I want you.
My Ideal Match:
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Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 47 years old.