Lisa420: Hey! Needing an emotional man who cares and loves2spoil

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About Me:
traumatic brain injury.) Sadly, I was completely normal(for a 15y/o!) before the accident. My R side is partially paralyzed, my balance is off(I use a walker) At the end of the month, I'm moving to a much better place, where they do things, go places+can have ppl come over. I recently tried hard at a relationship w/another man w/brain trauma+it blew up in my face. Several times. So heartbreaking.
Anyway, I'm enrolled at AIUonline, going for online tech support. I might take an English course for fun! I love English...everything about it-talking(lol if it weren't for the fatigue from the brain injury, I'd never shut up!), spelling, punctuation...
I had always wanted to be an actor (in highschool, I performed at a lot of theatres in Tampa(and a couple times at Disney) but now it sounds like too much work.
I love kissing, the euphoria of love, bubble baths(sadly, we don't have a tub here)
I suffer from tremors/ataxia and need a little help
I'm not fully single, but he's such a little immature kid
My Ideal Match:
I'd love to find a guy who could financially spoil me, and maybe in other ways, seeing as how my guy won't go down on me, because it's not totally bald. I can't stand the itching, I'm not opposed to a full wax, just can't afford it. Cutting it is an option, but due to the state of my hands/tremors, I can't do it. SO you'd h av eto.