JBRoss: New lease on life, want to give to others, tired of lonely

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About Me:
I enjoy the outdoors, especially walking in the woods or being around trees, mountains and water. I also love to snow ski (though I haven't been lately). I enjoy listening to: conversations, good music, audio dramas, the wind in the trees, the noises of a fireplace or campfire, the sounds of crickets at night and birds in the morning. I like reading a good book, eating a great meal and good times with friends making cherished memories. I love natural beauty especially sun rises and sunsets. And that is probably why I like to travel. I can drive all day and all night through all kinds of weather just to see something or someone special. I like to watch good movies and tv shows especially when the people I share it with are deeply moved by it. I enjoy hearing people laugh.
But I probably love it most when I can be the catalyst of a woman's pleasure"¦ a warm embrace, a thoughtful caress, a sudden smile, or the foreplay that blossoms gradually into sensual ecstasy and afterglow. "¦A glass of wine in candle light.