Istanbulman: A Princess Looking For Her Prince
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More Details:
About Me:
Paul Hardcastle -Brian Culbertson - Earth - Wind and Fire. - Love to dance in my apartment to the music by myself or with someone new in my life. My location at LaCross Apartments allows me to shop within walking distance.
The apartments has an indoor swimming pool,small Gym, soon new hot tube - dry sauna and I enjoy all. Each day begins with my eggs and potatoes - vitamins - smoothie. You might say I am a creature of habit. My laptop is my communication to the World.
My belief is to be Spiritual ( Higher Consciousness) - My nature is mellow yet I do not tolerate silly people who are ignorant in their belief system ( TV junkies ). Television is a not for me and I will not own one. My time is best making love and going for walks and shopping.
My cell phone is seldom used as I have one son in California and one grand daughter 13 years old.
My partner would receive kisses through out the day and intelligent discussions on World events with a focus on Anti communism as this Country is under attack by leftists fixed on destroying America. Crypto curreneny is something I am learning about today. Bye for now - This is your Prince in waiting
My Ideal Match:
Wanting to learn more each day about her partner and learn more about the higher consciousness and get away from 3D thinking. She would be an outdoor lover of fresh air and enjoys walks and talks. Not into grand kids or on the phone constantly.
Take the moment and join me on the wild side for romance and fun.
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 45 years old and younger than 75 years old.
Sender must be located within 10 miles of this user.