SneakyFerret: Awesome Headline!
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About Me:
I have a 13 yo daughter, Isabella, who adopted from my former wife. She plays violin, ukulele, and the ocarina. She loves to draw both on paper and on her laptop. She loves to read and write. Raising a teenage girl by myself is interesting to say the least but she's a great kid and I love her very much.
I love animals. I have 1 dog, a boxer named Magee and 4 ferrets, in order of age, Big Boy, Eevee, Hiro, and Cinnamon. My fur babies are like having even more kids. That keeps me pretty busy but they are pretty good, even Bella :p
I have my own place and a car if you care about that sort of thing
I am a kind, caring, and honest. I'm a Virgo so once I like you and I know you like me too you become a priority in my my life. I'm not into anything one-sided relationships though. If you take care of me I'll,take care of you. I'm the type of guy that will give you a massage just because for instance.
Maybe we can be friends, maybe more. You never know till you try!
Distance. Some may be wondering why I contact people further away. It's because there just aren't many people from my area on here. Don't sweat it. We can meet and make a day of it.