oldeblue7: Oh Boy!

This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 21 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.
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About Me:
The man you initially encounter is a fun-loving yet serious-miinded man of many talents and interests (gawd how i hate to write that. I am the quintessential self-deprecating fool) that can either talk your leg off or listen with rapt attention until your tongue cramps up..
I like music. A lot. I was a music major and still fool with it some; double major, in fact. Saxophone/vocal (basso profundo, seriously. If you know what that means, we might be getting closer, but not necessarily. I'm no snob)
These days there is a broken-down RD600 in my living room that I monkey with but never learned to play. When people heard me play-out they said I was a really good keyboard player. rofl (I am good at keepin' 'em fooled.) The song list is mostly older rock and roll with a smattering of blues including Chuck Berry, Satchmo, the Beach Boys, Seger, Skinnered (lol @ me) the Doobies (put that out), Eagles, BTO, JT, CCR, Buddy Holly, and Elvis (when strenuously requested). You get the idea. (gawd i hope so. If not, you better Turn. the. Page. Did i mention i'm a sax player?)
For listening, add Baroque; the light happy stuff by Bach, Handel, Mozart, early Beethoven, Scarlatti, and Tellemann..
Raised in the church, eighteen years, never missed a Sunday (or later, a choir practice), more recently I'm deeply spiritual: It is my contention that religion has given God a bad name over the years. I find it interesting that "Crusade-ing Christians" went with the cross before them as they marched fourth (they were too late to be first, second or third) with determination to slay "The Hun". Thou shall not kill.
Also: I am the World's Foremost Authority On and Practitioner Of Sin.
Boy how you do go on!
If I haven't frightened you away by now, we both may be in trouble.
But don't be hesitant. Even if you're shy, timid, or bashful and consider yourself a "dumb, but I have Common Sense" - type woman, step right on up.
I was involved for 20 years with two ladies who were like that. (not at the same time) Forty years went by quickly.
Please note: I will entertain any and all.
My Ideal Match:
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be older than 33 years old and younger than 72 years old.