Fonbel: Gentleman
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About Me:
I'm of a musical, arts and crafts sensibility. I have amassed many guitars, aspiring to play in the style of John Renbourn. I continue to regularly collect LPs and CDs, and even have a small collection of 78s and gramophones. Also, interestest in painting, sculpture, architecture, fashions, both contemporary and historical; many creativities, in fact. I am a capable cook, but conventional - will be curious or inspired to strive for a random horizon occasionally. I care for fine wine and aperitifs.
I am clean, spruced and well turned out. I am attracted to and motivated to select that which is well and attentively executed. I am gentle and sensual, I'm skilled in what I do so appreciate the skill, personal commitment and application in others. Elegance, finesse, attention to detail and striving for excellence: I care for the finer things. If I have approached you, I have appreciated this in your presentation. One never knows until meeting. Perceptions from a two dimensional web page are not the story; meeting is necessary to begin to know. I'm not one for anodyne and vacuous chat: life is too short, there is much to get on with. A personal conversation will not be a waste of time - it will be worthwhile.
My profession is that of an engineer, engaged in infrastructure.
I have bemused many - and now you. Like all characters, I can confound with small contradictions, but am reliable, being without guile or artifice - I am caring and respectful, a gentleman and all-round good geezer. You might find out for yourself?