LA: Hi, I'm very sweet, kind with an outgoing saucy edge!
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About Me:
As for me, I'm short, cute, curvy and mostly sweet, kind, and accepting of people as they are. I don't attempt to change anyone (as if I ever could)! I am very understanding of people in process (as I am too) and I dont judge. But I am choosy who I surround myself with.
I can have a firm, clear, no nonsence side to me when needed to cut through B's (but I don't cross anyone's boundaries of respect). I will challenge reoccuring issues and you are welcome to challenge me too, just be kind and calm too. I openly admit my mistakes and am gracious with men who do the same.
I have a funny saucy edge to me when I like someone. I have no tolerance for arrogance, belligerence, disrespect or phony bs! Lol I have the sharp quick witt that I rarely use (reserved for men who don't accept no as an answer) but I have a kind heart and I have mellowed with age, so now I just shake my head and politely walk away from all such nonsence or insecure men!
On a lighter note, I'm also very curious (love to learn) im truly adventurous (lived in 10 states and 2 countries), I'm smart, a christian conservative with a unique balanced viewpoint. (I don't drink any ones cool-aid, I do my own indepth research, on subjects that affect my loved ones).
If your still reading, here's the good stuff. I really love to laugh, at smart, sexy, tv shows/movies and even at your jokes! I enjoy 80's 90's and today's pop, contemporary christian music (I sang on several worship teams before thyroid surgery injured my voice). I especialy love the blues! It's that slow, sultry, sensuous, heavy beat that I love. So if you'll dance with me...well I can't be held responsible for the result! Lol Yes I am sensuous, generous and a very interested and functional woman as well! Can you say? "This fruit is dying on the vine"! Lol
I am also very creative: floral designer,(bridal veil maker) sewing, furniture redoer, painting anything is my passion. I'm a real sucker for old furniture with good bones in need of some love; hmmm? that is true of men too! Lol.
Also I have raised my 5 kids over the last 40 years! And an ill 2nd husband for 26 of those years (I'm still married, to manage his care for a few more months) while I am nurturing I need to be done being mama! That said I really enjoy family, mine or yours. I'm just done being the primary parent. Love the grandbabies
I'm not needy or demanding, nor am I flashy. I have never sought to be the center of attention. I believe Sexy is a state of mind, not dressing inappropriately. I am warm, intuitive, encouraging and affectionate (not selfconscious of lite PDA). I am direct and no good at subtle game playing. Really I'm not! Life is too short or maybe too long for that! Either way! Lol!
I have a long held passion for practical and warm interior design and sustainable living.
I don't care about your hairline, waistline, status symbols, or who you know. Not even the size of your bank account, (or anything else) its irrelevant to me, only how well you use what you have (lol) and that you live within your own means as I do! I did say I can be saucy right? Lol
You can be outgoing or a quiet man (I often am) but I do hope, you can carry your own side of a conversation, and Clearly state your wants and needs and preferences.
Yup, I have been thinking about this for a long while lol! (While taking care of others for sure). Ok that took up my next 3 days quota of words! Lol
Be warned! I don't give out my phone number, (due to scams,) as I value my safety and privacy, at least until we get to know eachother. Perhaps in person in public. Good luck on your search whether I'm what your looking for or not.
My Ideal Match:
Disclaimer THAT SAID: Please also be emotionally available, stable, not violent, schizophrenic, paranoid, depressive or a rager would be good too ! lol I have too much exp with family members and I know the signs.
Otherwise hat's in your heart is really what matters to me. And that's how I would like to be evaluated too (my ex STILL says I have a heart of gold). Of course I manage his care so he may be biased! Lol
I tend to draw quieter men, but I need them to be secure enough and articulate enough to state their own needs and preferences (what they think, feel, need, and want) clearly and calmly, even in conflict because I really listen to what a man says.
No smoking or drugs is critical. I have a 1/2 glass of white wine on special occasions or a tom collins while out dancing but I'm not interested in an everyday drinker. Best of luck!
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Male.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 70 years old.
Being honest that you smoke is good, but smoking is bad and it's a real turn off to 75% of women. Now to bigger issues! Instead of listing your fun pastimes, it might be better to say I'm a fun guy who loves being active. Because your activities make you sound like a 20 something yr old guy not a 30 something guy. That could make women steer clear of you (thinking you are potentially) a perpetual peter pan, man child. Show your heart not just activities. That can draw women. Also on your profile you voice your frustration with woman not reaching out to you. You sound desperate and even close to suicidal! That's a fast way to repel women! Lastly, being so up front that you want a woman to rim you, is way too much info, way to soon! Your not ordering (a sexual favour) ala la cart at a brothel! Lol It sounds crass and desperate. Keep that under your hat for when you are asked what you like (just before going to bed). Try just leaving that out. You sound like, if you put your BEST foot forward you could be a fun sweet guy. Instead, describe your idea of a romantic date (not sexually explicite). Women love that. Then do it if you get a first date. Keep in mind its rare on here, that any young gals would actually be on here that's near you. Im on here 'cause Im dipping my toe in the shallow end of the dating pool, making my mistakes on here (since its free) while my divorce is being finalized. When I'm finally divorced, and its really time for me to date, I will join a more reputable dating site. Your pic tells me you're a cutie! Best of luck to you.
Are some 30-40 years old guy really attracted to women over 60? I am 66 and I am curious why some much younger guys are trying to date much older women
I like older women for their experience and I feel since there more mature they are less cocky than the younger ones and they know what is important in life
As an older woman, I enjoy younger men because they still have the energy to get out of their chair! And live some life with gusto..... and if a younger man is willing to overlook the ravages of time on a womans body, and if he has the ability to delay grattification, with a desire to learn; then an older woman can really teach a man a thing or two in the bedroom! If nothing else an older woman can enjoy a younger mans energy and a younger man can gain some dating confidence from a casual relationship with a calm, mature woman who has some people wisdom. The trouble the younger man/older woman is when men are subconsciously looking for a mother figure (to do for him) usually because he's emotionally insecure and too lazy to learn or grow. Truth be told, that can be an issue with older men (from another era) too!
I see a distinct difference between sharing my wisdon/skills & building confidence in a man, in return for going to some fun places, doing some things together (sharing some passion). Its not a bad trade off!
Edited: Mar 3, 2022 2:17 AM GMT