SlitLicker: Lonely lover, looking for love.

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About Me:
I like playing bridge. It is a real enjoyable game if those playing will do so to have fun; Not Just to Win. I've played since I was 10. Also enjoy other games. I will watch sports some, but they aren't something I am real involved with or addicted to. Ahhhh Yes: I'm a choco-holic; dark chocolate. Music of most kinds I like. Rap and such as that aren't desired styles in my opinion. As my profession indicates I am very interested in people and the issues they are experiencing. I don't prompt them to talk about worries, fears, doubts, etc. Ever since I was young people seemed drawn to me to talk about problems. I enjoy helping others understand the what's and why's and how and reason's//causes for them and what they can do to deal with them and have a better life. A lot of people tell me I look like Clint Eastwood. I don't agree; but maybe. You would be the first besides my mother. One last personality factor. I experienced a concussion at the age of 12. When I was 36, I had brain surgery to correct it. I experienced dramatic changes. I went to see my mother in the hospital and told her I love her. For the first time in my adult life. I experienced love for my mother and the ability of feeling love/affection for and from others. The doctors, neurosurgeons said it was because of the specific part of the brain the concussion damage and surgery corrected. There were numerous other changes---for the good---that I have. I never had girlfriends growing up because I had no ability express and to feel love. Therefore, I'm wanting to find a lady to feel love for and from. Crazy?? No. Just the effect of my brain damage and then the effects of the repair. Anyway, I'm a therapist and would know if I was crazy; I think :))
My Ideal Match:
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Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 25 years old and younger than 50 years old.