HungerfordJ: I'm 48, inked up, strong, educated, and love life

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About Me:
and healthy. I have few friends but we are very loyal.. I have to be honest and state that I don't really care whether something is legal as long as its moral and find organized religion appalling and sad really. I love to be outside as much as possible and a day with me will start with coffee and a walk to the Lake and could end up with us in a cabin in the woods or agate picking. 3 states over.. I make most of my moneyI online or with my art and don't reallycare about it. I'm Classically Educated, read voraciously and tend to know a little about most everything and get excited when I'm taught something interesting. I love music, mostly Dubstep, Rave, Metal and even Disco. If it's good it's good. I live life at my pace I'and I'm on Indian time al the time.. I do not hit women or children or animals and find that kind of behavior appalling. I like recreational drugs and like to go fast,, just enough to enjoy,, not the kind of thing you see on TV or the movies but I've seen people over indulge and I'm not about that mess at all. I All in all I'ma man that knowswhathe likes and is not perfect but a decent human being who has really amazing adventuresand it would be nice to share the places I know of and the things that have to be experiencedto understand. As an example: You sit down to eat lunch after having. Hiked for hours and becoming suddenly aware that you are not alone and sitting next to you is a very large black bear and it's eyeing your sandwich but not aggressive so youb split your lunch with it and after a shuffle around looking for more,wanders back into the brush. It happened and That kind of thing is not unusual as I wander. I'm here to see if I might find woman to have. Casual Encounters with for now but I'm open to things becoming serious. and if you think you could get into me or are curious, HMU.
My Ideal Match:
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Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 50 years old.
Sender must be located within 50 miles of this user.