tony1964: passionate about animal welfare and music.
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More Details:
About Me:
worked as a support worker, health care assistant & in a bookies.....before the stroke. I am now signed off from work.
A partner would have to like dogs ( i have x2 spaniels) and they mean the world to me.
I love music and like gong to see bands locally. I rarely watch tv and prefer listening to music.
i lived in Spain for 9.5 years and set up & ran a animal sanctuary, while i was there. This was finding them new homes and sorting out medical problems.
if i watch tv its mostly movies, comedy, box sets, detective series, humour, history, sport or music. I do not like soaps or reality tv.
my musical taste's are motown, 60's, northern soul, Proper R'n'B, ska, reggae, new wave, some rock, punk,....most things really except house & rap.
i live a basic and a relaxed life. I do not like arguments or rush into a full blown relationship.
I have gone out with ladies older than me and equally a recent partner was 14 years younger than depends on a matching personality.
Two good long term relationships were ruined by the partner's children breaking the wary of getting in that situation again (both times I walked away).
I do not have lots of friends, but i am selective of my friends and they are all decent people.
My Ideal Match:
A lady who is funny, honest, reliable, passionate, patient, cute & aware of the world.
Obviously a love of animals (especially dogs) would be important.
If a lady liked music and going to see local bands it would be a bonus.