Skaterguy707: Day tripping and beer sipping
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About Me:
I have not posted on here in a very long time. I'm looking forward to whatever and whomever happens at the end of this (>*_*)> <3 <(*_*<)
So let me start by telling y'all abit about myself. :O male 25, 6ft tall, brown hair blue eyes. As far as culture goes, I'd say I'm about 50% country guy (Norcal Deadhead) 30% nerd, 20% metal head. I don't like talking about politics much. I'm self aware enough to know that I'm not educated to speculate on governing the masses, or critique people who do. I'm Christian and I love Jesus, but I dont make that the focal point of my personality, nor do I judge others. In fact- For some reason I've dated three practicing Pagan witches. I have mild Asperger's. If you dont know what that is just ask. My current Job is a park ranger at a private wildlife preserve, campground, and event center south of oregon city. I'm financially stable, mentally sound, and confident in myself.
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