Somegirlsguy: Craving some type of intimate connection.

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About Me:
I consider myself to have a good work ethic, kind of a people pleaser (as long as your not an a**hole), like to joke around and can be light heartedly sarcastic, enjoy being chivalrous (so I won't really date any feminists), very sexually charged though in the right situation loyal 1000%.
I am starting to regain hobbies and will be backpacking regularly on weekends while learning plant life. Also trying out metal detecting.
I chose the red pill. I am un-vaccinated, pro-life, 2nd amendment exerciser, currently a "conspiracy theory" sympathizer, I have conservative views but can no longer claim any political affiliation. I cannot stand all of the blatant gaslighting.
My love language is quality time and touch. Lotsa touch. I like to snuggle up and watch movies and shows, walk hand in hand whenever, be a support post when standing in a long line.
Anyway"¦ if you made it past the red pill part maybe there's something here.