member offline starnie
69, Warren

member offline starnie: Hoping to find someone special to grow young with...

69 year old Man, 5'11" (180 cm)
Woman, for Lets Hang Out / Chat / Friends
Body Type:
Free Thinker
(Retired) ~ Professional Bowler/ Inventor
High school
Non-smoker, Non-Drinker, No Drugs
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Over 20 years
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No Second Language
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Yes - All over 18 years old
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Postal Zip Code Area:
48089, MI

About Me:

Youthful in both heart and mind, l'm really hoping to find that elusive puzzle share the best of the rest, of our amazing lives - 2gether..! lts becoming a crazy world out there. lf you're looking for some sanity, fun, and uncommon sense...don't be shy. l firmly believe, in spite of what we have all been forced to endure in recent years, when the pendulum swings back... THE BEST IS YET TO COME. So, l strongly suggest that we all start looking ahead & start living our lives to the fullest (...and STOP living in fear !!) God Be With Us, ALL.

My Ideal Match:

Seeking: FUN, SINCERITY, SENSUALITY, CREATIVITY, POSITIVITY, PASSION, & WISDOM... lf this sounds like you, l hope you'll let me know.

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38 Forum Posts
  • starnie Dating Profile
    starnie OP Warren, Michigan, USA
    Jun 6, 2024 2:31 PM GMT
    0kay people.... lts TIME! TIME TO WAKE UP....! ~ THEIR 16 YEAR PLAN TO TAKE OVER AMERICA....Thank you, Ron, for your great insights (added above)... Amazing, how l never got my auto-generated email sent by LHO, to notify me that you had responded! (Shocker, huh.) - I would urge everyone reading this string of posts, TO PLEASE MAKE HARD-COPIES OF EVERYTHING, & REPOST IT ALL - EVERYWHERE YOU CAN...WHILE YOU ARE [STILL] ABLE, TO DO SO !!! (...once the MASS-CENSORSHIP is enacted, it will be too late to spread the TRUTH) - Ron... Remember the "Q posts" included in every x22 report...? & Remember the one that said; "Future, Proves Past...Trust THE PLAN"...?? (Btw, Q means...question everything) ~ The "Planners", purposely predicted certain specific events that would occur, on or near a specific date in time...BUT, intentionally LEFT OUT THE CORRECT that, we could all look back in time & only then pre-planned this entire massive "Sting Operation" (to bring down the Deep State, & take back America...and freedom, world-wide...), actually was. ~~~ l still believe, that this was why the x22 was created in the first place....To serve future generations, AS AN ANTHOLOGY OF TRUTH - to be taught in schools & universities from now on acting as A CONSTANT REMINDER, OF HOW WE ALMOST ....LOST EVERYTHING ! Stupid smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
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  • starnie Dating Profile
    starnie Warren, Michigan, USA
    Apr 30, 2024 5:05 AM GMT
    Climate Change is Class WarfareThe truth hurts....the DEMON-RATS. However, the TRUTH will set us free! (Sometimes, you have to walk through the order to see the light.)Usaflag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
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  • starnie Dating Profile
    starnie Warren, Michigan, USA
    Mar 14, 2024 3:58 AM GMT
    hang out?

    anyone from montour county, pa?

    Not really. ...But l could always rent out my big old house & relocate there. ; @Love smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
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  • starnie Dating Profile
    starnie OP Warren, Michigan, USA
    Mar 2, 2024 11:54 AM GMT
    0kay people.... lts TIME! TIME TO WAKE UP....! ~ THEIR 16 YEAR PLAN TO TAKE OVER AMERICA....&...For the sake of you "dis-likers" still asleep, l'll repeat this again: DON'T SHOOT ME - I'M JUST THE MESSENGER !!! THE ANTHOLOGY OF YEARS OF REPORTED FACTUAL DATA, IS ALL RIGHT HERE>>> x22report (dot com) & andweknow (dot com) <<<Bangin smilie emoji/emoticon smiley WE have become, our own worst enemy. AWAKEN, UNITE, & SHUT THEM DOWN! WE WILL LOSE EVERYTHING, IF WE DON'T !!! ~ WWG1WGA. Stirthepot smilie emoji/emoticon smiley (PASS THESE SITES ON!) GOD BLESS AMERICA! American Flag smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
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  • starnie Dating Profile
    starnie Warren, Michigan, USA
    Feb 17, 2024 10:06 PM GMT
    Your thoughts on let's hangoutI've chatted with several real women on here back and forth but mostly they are from the west coast or down in Florida, unfortunately not anyone who'd actually care to meet here in southeastern michigan. lts really a shame how much the world has changed over the past few decades, & mostly for the worse! l feel sorry for the young primarily, as they will never know what a "normal" childhood & parental upbringing was really like. All they seem to have these days, are their cell phones, a rotten educational system, governmental brainwashing, & pathetic hollyweird role models,,,to rely on for them to develop into intelligent leaders, of future generations...? Not to mention, crime, widespread corruption, health threats, lawlessness, and woke mental programming, by truly evil people! ~ ITS ALWAYS DARKEST, BEFORE THE DAWN... THIS TOO WILL PASS! l've said it before & l'll say it again... TIME TO WAKE UP, AMERICA...THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
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