BluePersephone: ?Soft?touch *naughty??naughty?funfun?*

This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 11 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.
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About Me:
My goal is to meet someone intelligent. It would be nice to be the inferior mind. I would like to meet someone that I might learn from. I want to learn more.
I'm in a tough spot. Don't really know what to do about it. Didn't plan it. Just rolling with the punches.
I used to like to sing. I wake up singing when I am happy. I love old movies; and I might bore you with one, if you let me. (And I won't get mad if you really just watch porn on your phone, as long as you sit next to me and wear headphones/ear buds.)
I play the piano.
I like to tango!
I feel like I'm being punished because I am surrounded by dumdums. Where are the smart people and can I sit near you?
My Ideal Match:
Calm, quiet, hush hush, funfun!
I just want to meet someone who wants to be nice to ME!!
Yeah, that is why we are all here, but do you have to be so bold with the p*nis pictures.
Guys, do yourself a favor and keep it in your pants. I don't want to see that thing until I tell you to take off your pants.
I know why I signed up, because I am looking for someone who doesn't gross me out!!
Unfortunately, there's about a thousand guys who gross me out, for every one that I can take seriously.