Gypsie1958: Southport Poet looking for companionship, love and fun!

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About Me:
I have two dogs, both female and both very loyal best friends. At one time, in a different home with average, I had twenty-two pets in total! Now thankfully, it's just the three of us. So, it's fair to say I am an animal lover.
I read, a lot! If a passenger in a car, I'm reading or string or both. I keep my cell phone and/or a pad of paper and pen near me always. I learned Long ago that once a thought, prompt, idea or story enters my mind (otherwise called my muse), I had better get it down in real time words, or it will be gone.
I am highly affectionate. Love to touch and be touched. Hold hands when walking, snuggle when reading or talking and of course, I love intimacy!
My Ideal Match:
Someone to do mundane things with, like yard work and gardening, cooking, cleaning and laundry and the not-so-mundane things with. Traveling, movies, dinner out, new foods, new drinks, new whatever we want to try.
A person who truly cares and respects not only me but the other people in his life and around him, from his own family through the varied layers and configurations of human beings. Doctor to garbage man. Waiter to business owner.
A strong man that knows when to use his strength and when a gentle touch is needed. No hidden issues of jealousy, narcissism or ill-will.