I enjoy dating younger men (8)

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  • Rhonda123 Dating Profile
    Rhonda123 OP 31 Posts New York City, New York, USA
    Sep 30, 2023 8:00 PM UTC
    I admire their potential and the energy they bring to achieving their goals. The world is their oyster. Men my age are so boring. All they talk about is the latest pill, how ungrateful their kids are and what the government owes them. I'll go younger every time.
  • AnnaBlue Dating Profile
    AnnaBlue 1 Post Loveland, Colorado, USA
    Nov 19, 2023 4:38 AM UTC
    There is nothing wrong with dating younger men. A lot of men date younger women and no one bats an eyelash. I have had long term relationships with 2 and a couple flings. By far they take better care of themselves and have a zestier outlook in general. I hope you keep on finding your happy. It's OUR turn.
  • Mectron Dating Profile
    Mectron 4 Posts Evant, Texas, USA
    Sep 12, 2024 1:50 AM UTC
    Maybe because younger men only want sex and will hit it in a heartbeat after a few drinks,and you are taking it as a good thing because you have hit the wall and bored with mature life, ur body is slowly going down younger men will only b available another 5-7 years at the most then who you going to f*ck ho
  • In4sir Dating Profile
    Dec 4, 2024 7:23 PM UTC

    I admire their potential and the energy they bring to achieving their goals. The world is their oyster. Men my age are so boring. All they talk about is the latest pill, how ungrateful their kids are and what the government owes them. I'll go younger every time.

    Aren’t you painting with broad strokes? To each his own, but don’t put all mature men into the same basket.
  • oicu812b4ic Dating Profile
    oicu812b4ic 24 Posts Killeen, Texas, USA
    Dec 5, 2024 3:38 AM UTC

    I admire their potential and the energy they bring to achieving their goals. The world is their oyster. Men my age are so boring. All they talk about is the latest pill, how ungrateful their kids are and what the government owes them. I'll go younger every time.

    I beg to differ =P Bigtime!

  • oicu812b4ic Dating Profile
    oicu812b4ic 24 Posts Killeen, Texas, USA
    Dec 5, 2024 3:58 AM UTC

    There is nothing wrong with dating younger men. A lot of men date younger women and no one bats an eyelash. I have had long term relationships with 2 and a couple flings. By far they take better care of themselves and have a zestier outlook in general. I hope you keep on finding your happy. It's OUR turn.

    Your turn for what?
    Honestly tho? To have sex with no consequences, feelings, or deep intimate bond? In other words "flagrant"
    If you call that your turn, we all had our turn at 20 babe. We matured as adults and moved on, not to be negative in any way, just trying to understand your statement honestly.

    I find at my age of 47, women over mostly 25 are permanently damaged from past relationships, IF they have money its from their last divorce, and they've acquired a hunger for it and nothing else, given up on love and traded love for comfort.

    7 outta 10 women I meet at 30 and 40 dont even have a car.. or if they do they have 3 kids and have been divorced at least once, makes me wonder about the other 2 kids and that story, we didnt get that far last date and counting..
    I went on the date because she had a job and a car, that was a good prospect nowdays..

    IF the women I meet have a job, its either a entry level min wage job, or they're buried in their careers and the skys the limit for them, so a man that didnt have the same..motivations and aspirations in life, would only slow them down. (I still have yet to meet even one like that honestly (I'd enjoy the challenge personally itd be something new! Sign me up, sounds like fun in life.)

    . By far they take better care of themselves"

    Umm honey, thats cause they barely work, and if they do its bussing dishes at a restaurant or something, I dont know where youve been, but hardworking men who support their families get dirty, beat up.. risk their lives literally everyday working a dangerous job, being dirty is the LEAST of our worries really, and our bodies we trade for money, by losing a finger, teeth,scars, injuries we trade because we need to use that medical money to pay our bills, or breaking a arm so you can live comfortably at home taking care of the kids or whatever other things you need to do so you can do them.

    A good woman would respect her man coming home after making the daily bread, and have a hot shower waiting for him with HER in it! its THAT simple, and kisses, and Love, and holy cow! What food!
    Thats all we need babe.
    Maybe a bandaid every now and then, and some time spent together when the chaos of the world is done for the day.

    THATS how to treat a man, were very basic food, love, companionship, lick our wounds when we hurt ourselves.
    If you couldn't meet those basic needs then is it possible it was YOUR needs that were the issue? (cough)
    Just an observation, from the outside looking in..
    That and 47 years of experience. ;)
  • oicu812b4ic Dating Profile
    oicu812b4ic 24 Posts Killeen, Texas, USA
    Dec 5, 2024 3:59 AM UTC

    Maybe because younger men only want sex and will hit it in a heartbeat after a few drinks,and you are taking it as a good thing because you have hit the wall and bored with mature life, ur body is slowly going down younger men will only b available another 5-7 years at the most then who you going to f*ck ho

    i laughed, it was rude, but made me laugh, had to say that. =D
  • oicu812b4ic Dating Profile
    oicu812b4ic 24 Posts Killeen, Texas, USA
    Dec 5, 2024 4:00 AM UTC

    I admire their potential and the energy they bring to achieving their goals. The world is their oyster. Men my age are so boring. All they talk about is the latest pill, how ungrateful their kids are and what the government owes them. I'll go younger every time.

    Aren’t you painting with broad strokes? To each his own, but don’t put all mature men into the same basket.

    And now you know why theyre single, sounds like another jaded one with their own issues that refuses to look into the mirror honestly.

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Created: Sep 30, 2023 8:00 PM UTC
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Last Comment: Dec 5, 2024 4:00 AM UTC
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