Do you know your blood type? (1)

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  • PeculiarWoman Dating Profile
    Dec 7, 2021 3:48 PM UTC

    Do you know your blood type?

    Did you know that women with Rh Negative blood cannot naturally reproduce with Rh Positive (+/+) males beyond (maybe) one birth but not more without medical intervention? However an Rh Positive (+/-) male has much better odds than the (+/+) because it is at least possible for him to father an Rh Negative child.

    The government has known for decades (at least) but educators spend almost no time at all educating humanity.

    The Rh Negative woman's body identifies an Rh Positive fetus as being a foreign body threat and attacks it.

    It is said that
    85-94% of the world population are Rh Positive while
    6-15% of the world population are Rh Negative

    An Rh Negative (-/-) who reproduces with a Rh Positive (+/+) partner will always birth Rh Positive (+/-) offspring.

    An Rh Negative (-/-) who reproduces with a Rh Positive (+/-) partner will produce either Rh Positive (+/-) or Rh Negative (+/-) offspring.

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1 Votes (1 Women, 0 Men)
Last Vote: Dec 7, 2021 3:48 PM UTC
Created: Dec 7, 2021 3:48 PM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Dec 7, 2021 3:48 PM UTC
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