Tennessee Valley & Authority -TVA (1)

  • SevenTeaSeptuagenarian Dating Profile
    May 22, 2024 4:29 AM UTC
    247,686 views Mar 14, 2016
    President Roosevelt's Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) brings electricity to the masses as it works to build dams and transport coal in horse drawn carriages throughout the Tennessee region. Norris Dam and Muscle Shoals and Wheeler are all featured in this Department of the Interior footage from the National Archives.

    Tennessee Valley, 1936

    Part 1 shows a dam, generators, power lines and a power house; workers constructing a dam with steam shovels and other machinery; the flooded Tennessee River; and views of horse drawn coal cars, deserted farms, and eroded land. President Roosevelt addresses Congress requesting the creation of Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). It shows Wilson dam and powerhouse at Muscle Shoals, Ala., and Norris dam under construction. Part 2 shows views of laborers operating dump trucks, drills, steam shovels, and other equipment to construct Norris dam. Mrs. Roosevelt, Arthur E. Morgan, and David Lilienthal inspect Norris dam site. Includes an aerial view of the town of Norris. Part 3 shows the library, bank, dormitories, homes, and cafeteria for workers in Norris, and views of machine shops and trade schools. Workers watch a track meet. Wheeler dam is shown under construction. Rock is drilled and blasted, power shovels scoop up the rock, and concrete is poured into forms. President Roosevelt arrives in a motorcade, inspects the TVA area, and speaks. Part 4 shows a drill taking a rock core sample, men chopping down trees and burning brush, and men spraying river banks. Includes views of eroded land and a fertilizer factory. In part 5, land is contour plowed to prevent erosion. Water flows over Wilson dam at Muscle Shoals. Scenes of city streets and building illustrate the blessings of electric power from TVA. Contrasts the old animal and human muscle methods of performing farm chores with the modern electrical way.
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Created: May 22, 2024 4:29 AM UTC
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Last Comment: May 22, 2024 4:29 AM UTC
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