Black Fly | Thriller Movie | AWARD WINNING | English | HD | Free Movie (1)

  • SevenTeaSeptuagenarian Dating Profile
    Jun 2, 2024 2:02 AM UTC
    2,385,333 views Apr 1, 2020 #freemovies #moviesonline #watchfree
    Black Fly - A troubled teenager and his older brother reconnect, setting off a powder keg of buried secrets, paranoia and murder. Inspired by true events.

    Black Fly (2014)
    Director: Jason Bourque
    Writer: Jason Bourque
    Stars: Matthew MacCaull, Dakota Daulby, Christie Burke
    Genre: Thriller
    Runtime: 1h 28min
    Country: Canada
    Language: English
    Release Date: 9 September 2015 (Canada)
    Filming Locations: British Columbia, Canada

    Jake and Noel Henson are two estranged brothers haunted by a troubled past. Their father died in a hunting accident, their mother committed suicide and over the years they lost touch. After escaping from his abusive uncle, Jake seeks refuge with Noel who now lives with his girlfriend Paula in the old family farmhouse. Located on an isolated island, it's the perfect place to find solace and re-connect after years of separation. Or so Jake thinks... Soon after his arrival, Jake realizes his older brother has become a hard drinker with an explosive temper. A short fuse of paranoia and abuse has been ignited in the farmhouse and the days unfold with creeping unease. It's family versus morality as Noel's psychopathic tendencies propel them all into a nail-biting nightmare. For Jake, he must question "the ties that bind". Will he be strong enough to stop his brother's terrifying rampage? Written by Gold Star Productions.

    User Reviews:
    ''Jason Bourque's script is masterfully executed under his direction by his talented young cast; Dakota Daulby, Matthew MacCaull and Christie Burke. The cinematography helps set and keep the dark foreboding mood in which the small town setting almost becomes suffocating.

    As the movie progresses you are pulled deeper and deeper into the twisted web that is the lives of these beautifully broken people. And the pace quickens with masterful editing by Rob Neilson until the last chilling frame.

    Bourque's film is not for the faint of heart. While not gratuitous in sex or violence it's rawness certainly pulls no punches. Black Fly is a very satisfying dark thriller which should be on fans of the genre must see lists.'' Written by jbleroux on IMDB.

    ''This movie is incredibly well put together, from the cinematography to the performances, everything in Black Fly is wonderful. It's honest, layered and I was thoroughly immersed, a rare feat considering the micro budget they had, and left me thinking for days after due to the excellent performances of all cast.

    Matthew MacCaull, Dakota Daulby and Christie Burke give absolutely powerhouse performances, total commitment to their roles. They were fearless, selfless and impassioned.
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Created: Jun 2, 2024 2:02 AM UTC
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Last Comment: Jun 2, 2024 2:02 AM UTC
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