Autumn Jazz and Autumn Jazz Playlist: 1 Hour of Autumn Jazz Music and Autumn Jazz Songs (1)

  • RoyalMan Dating Profile
    RoyalMan OP 92 Posts Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, USA
    Sep 4, 2024 1:27 AM UTC
    441,139 views Oct 30, 2015
    Autumn jazz and autumn jazz playlist. One hour of autumn jazz music and autumn jazz songs laced with video of autumn leaves jazz instrumental and instrumental jazz. This autumn jazz and autumn jazz playlist is composed and recorded by Australian musician David Lewis Luong. Download this album here:
    Featured in this autumn jazz collection are:

    Track 1: Joy of Love (starts at 00:00)
    Track 2: Two of Us (starts at 04:56)
    Track 3: Bay of Paradise (starts at 08:56)
    Track 4: One More Time (starts at 12:45)
    Track 5: Schroeder and I (starts at 16:34)
    Track 6: Autumn Scents (starts at 21:32)
    Track 7: A Brighter Day (starts at 24:36)
    Track 8: Road to Enlightenment (starts at 29:25)
    Track 9: Sweet Whispers (starts at 35:06)
    Track 10: Hand in Hand (starts at 38:00)
    Track 11: Rendezvous (starts at 42:56)
    Track 12: Paradise Shores (starts at 47:07)
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Created: Sep 4, 2024 1:27 AM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Sep 4, 2024 1:27 AM UTC
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