2023 Yellowstone National Park trip (1)

  • ZERO Dating Profile
    Jul 23, 2023 9:57 PM UTC
    Jul 18, 2023
    Day 1 (July 6)
    0:13 - West Thumb Geyser Basin
    1:43 - Yellowstone Lake sandbar next to Little Thumb Creek
    2:02 - Cinnamon bear near Lake Village and main road
    2:28 - Fishing Bridge Visitor Center
    3:11 - East Cauldron with Bison
    3:28 - Mud Volcano Area with bison at 4:57
    5:49 - Sulphur Cauldron
    6:02 - Hayden Valley with bald eagles at 6:14
    6:23 - Bison crossing river and road
    6:53 - Momma bear with cubs
    7:49 - Elk
    7:53 - Canyon Village Visitor Center and shopping
    8:25 - Canyon Village lodge and Hayden Lodge
    8:55 - Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
    12:42 - Canyon Lodge food court (not that good imo)
    13:16 - Evening wildlife spotting failure

    Day 2 (July 7)
    13:33 - Midway Geyser Basin and Grand Prismatic Spring
    14:24 - Old Faithful parking and viewing
    16:04 - Old Faithful Inn. The 11:30AM lunch buffet is the best deal there.
    17:30 - Old Faithful viewing from the Inn's balcony
    17:58 - Old Faithful gift shop
    18:18 - Old Faithful Visitor Center
    18:55 - Geysers near Old Faithful on connected boardwalks
    22:17 - Black Sand Basin
    23:23 - Biscuit Basin
    24:06 - Fountain Paint Pots
    25:04 - Firehole Canyon and Falls
    25:38 - Gibbon Falls
    25:52 - Artists' Paintpots

    Day 3 (July 8)
    26:51 - Sunrise going to Lamar Valley for wildlife viewing
    27:17 - Gray wolf and black wolf
    28:34 - Pronghorn
    29:00 - wolftracker.com guide was great, highly recommend a tour with them. Great spotting and setup!
    29:10 - Bison everywhere
    30:34 - wolftracker.com again with an awesome spot, grizzly bear
    31:04 - Elk all over the place near Mammoth Hot Springs even outside the diner at 31:45
    32:10 - Mammoth Hot Springs with storm and hail later
    35:03 - Glen Creek
    35:09 - Sheepeater Cliff
    35:16 - Frying Pan Spring
    35:29 - Norris Geyser Basin
    36:55 - Virginia Cascade Drive
    37:08 - Hayden Valley evening wildlife spotting. Elk, bison, and a bald eagle.
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Created: Jul 23, 2023 9:57 PM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Jul 23, 2023 9:57 PM UTC
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