Is technology, the great filter? (3)

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  • Inteligentceclown Dating Profile
    Jan 7, 2025 6:38 PM UTC

    Is technology, the great filter?

    Why is this in cooking and recipes?

    Well not all cooking yields foodstuffs, fatty boo batty!

    Not all recipes are for foodstuffs, don't eat the yellow snow,...... Or let Bi -tor the snow dog lick your face!

    So because unlike most, I have been retired for way to many years, got bored, started learning again, then found "LEARNING", is my addiction.

    Each and every time I learn something new, I can usually SEE options where all, parts of, or with ingredients added, the new chemicals I am learning to synthesis have very dangerous uses.

    I learned to make glow sticks, a simple light source, that creates no heat, etc ... And is not toxic for the most part.... But to make it, you need CPPO, to make it yourself requires, sodium (explosive metal activated by moisture/water), arsenic ( a metal of a different kind, and known for its poisonous properties, cotton balls, Switzer's reagent, what a fun combination.....

    Wal lah.... Few more ingredients and some hydrogen peroxide as an activator/catalyst and you got light...

    So this is a cooking recipe for light, not food.

    But, every time, I can see how this could be easily used for not good purposes, it seems all (most) are like this, dangerous.....

    So at some point in a races development, this kind of knowledge becomes common, bored folks who have AI/robot's doing everything for them get so bored(as I did) and start learning things to fill time.

    Kinda like what was called " shade tree mechanic's", in my day, a guy was on every corner with a large enough tree to put a engine hoist in, and knew how to work any combustion engine, but now it's shade tree chemist, scientists, etc..... and unlike the combustion engine, it has bigger boom booms...

    So when you have "shade tree", bioengineers who are abused by society and its limitations, these guys can do range of function development in their garage...

    Or shade tree nuclear folks who make tiny modular nuclear reactors in their garage, most are using these materials in minute amounts, but you could imagine the bad possible outcomes

    See that's what might wipe us out, some abused kid bullied, with know father to teach it, how to deal with life and its hardships, building a dirty bomb or full thermal device, or neutron bomb to get even...

    Thus a race may end.... Very easy....

    AI, etc... we are at the edge of a abyss, and playing on the edge with loose footings under our feet!
  • Puppy_Daddy Dating Profile
    Puppy_Daddy 186 Posts Long Lane, Missouri, USA
    Jan 7, 2025 6:57 PM UTC

    Is technology, the great filter?

    Get back on your meds
  • Inteligentceclown Dating Profile
    Jan 7, 2025 11:52 PM UTC

    Is technology, the great filter?

    Get back on your meds

    I love your incredibly long, intelligent, witty 5 word, with not even one word having 2 syllables, if your so threatened by other men who can speak, and make posts that are more than a record of how many scammers accounts you reported, how your constantly drinking, etc ..... Always make me want to apologize, to anyone seeing your words, that though your example is what it is, that not all men are like you.
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1 Votes (0 Women, 1 Men)
Last Vote: Jan 7, 2025 6:38 PM UTC
Created: Jan 7, 2025 6:38 PM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Jan 7, 2025 11:52 PM UTC
Likes: 2 (1 Women, 1 Men)
Last Liked: Jan 17, 2025 3:45 AM UTC
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