Do you believe in magic? (1)

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  • Inteligentceclown Dating Profile
    Inteligentceclown OP 39 Posts Yuma, Arizona, USA
    23 hours

    Do you believe in magic?

    So as a Science based thinker, who has seen and experienced, things that seemed like magic, that I was able to verify through repetition, but could not understand, I had to figure this out...

    One thing that troubles me, is that at times, knowledge beyond my person, just seems to rain down on humans(& myself).

    How telepathy and mind over matter, work for some, but not others, "How the observed, is affected by the observer", etc.....

    My study of energy, finally gave a answer that could solve/explain all these functions that occur, the mechanics of these systems when functioning and not functioning....

    If there is anyone else interested in exploring such, feel free to contact my person

    I believe telepathy, absolutely does not exist, but something that looks to the uneducated (in these energetic systems) as telepathy is real and exists.

    And believe I can explain it's functioning and nature's, in such a way, it does not violate any natural known laws.....
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