Have you heard of the HUMAN COMPUTATION model? (1)

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  • Inteligentceclown Dating Profile
    Inteligentceclown OP 43 Posts Yuma, Arizona, USA
    20 hours

    Have you heard of the HUMAN COMPUTATION model?

    It is a known fact (Fact means accepted, not true, here in) in science that If you take a jar of say jellybeans, and ask people to guess the number of jellybeans in the jar, just buy looking, and as a subconscious and conscious motivation, you provide a really great prize or reward.

    That at a certain threshold of guesses (large pool of replies) you can, if you know the statistics, have the correct actuarial tables, you can tell exactly HOW many beans are in the jar.

    This model was used many years ago, to solve a almost unsolvable problem in science some years ago. A GAME was programmed, based on winning being to complete the problem, but this was hidden, no one knew winning meant solving the equation...

    Large groups, can solve incredible problems...

    But only when motivated, and under subterfuge of what they are solving.....

    And if someone programs or creates a way to make it seem entertaining, exciting.....

    If you told them what they were doing, and that, Yes they did receive a GREAT reward for solving the problem, it is immediately soured, WHEN THEY REALIZE you made $60 billion off of it ...

    This is why your data is so important, they can guess pretty well, what anyone will do in a week, etc...

    But no one takes this knowledge and created a way for everyone to profit, play, etc ...
    And with all those people, say in specific chats for specific games, I bet you might meet a nice person, or not so nice person, if that's your fancy...

    Just thinking aloud, lol
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