What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys? (9)

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  • Jaystunning Dating Profile
    Jaystunning OP 4 Posts Corona, California, USA
    Dec 16, 2022 5:40 AM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    There is no wrong or right answers.

    Take a small moment, and think about it : photo:

    Two threads are active on LHO and ask relatively the same question. Simple concept most definitely but, an interesting outcome. Notice the obvious differences. Argue smilie emoji/emoticon smiley . One one hand the men are quite interested in gaining knowledge about you ladies: artist: . Any way you slice it, this is a positive in a big way. Cheers smilie emoji/emoticon smiley (Defensive or effective)

    Ladies, what gives? There are literally 2 questions to men in the entire thread Wub smilie emoji/emoticon smiley . This absence of evidence is the biggest statement of evidence. There is absolutely no way possible that anyone on the planet, knows everything about the opposite gender. I am curious how many will react, respond, or avoid, Cheerleader smilie emoji/emoticon smiley

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    A. Girls are just not interested in learning about men.
    B. Girls have a good understanding of men and have spent a lot of time learning about men already.
    C. Girls already know everything about men and always will.
    D. Girls feel that it's the guy's responsibility to learn about them. Not for them to learn about a guy.
    E. Girls got tons of options thanks to internet. Easier to replace instead of improving self.
    F. Girls like women more and are more interested in learning about other women.
    G. Girls feel guys just don't understand women. Women understand men at birth.
    H. Girls have tried already, and men are too complicated.
    I. Girls don't want to look foolish, so they ask in secret. Because a girl's bad reputation is more detrimental.
  • SamSteele Dating Profile
    SamSteele 11 Posts West Nipissing, Ontario, Canada
    Jun 2, 2023 9:01 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    It seems the hotter the woman the less she shows any interest.
    A lot of less hot ladies, swoop right in for the kill, making thmselves available by showering the guy with suble and not so suble cues.
  • markowilde Dating Profile
    markowilde 8 Posts Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Oct 13, 2023 8:11 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    I assume the question is in reference to this site, etc. I think its simple. When it comes to trying to meet online, we all know how it is. Girls have the pick of the litter, and too many messages to even get through. Us guys, on the other hand, as we all know, have to scrap, claw, and pray that we get one response that is not a bot or a guy. So for girls, what incentive is there to learn more about the guys in order to increase the likelihood they will meet one here? No incentive. For guys, we are competing with what feels like millions of guys for about 2 girls. Any advantage we can get we will take.

    And it is so much worse on line. Its the anonymity thing. Creepy dudes can not look creepy online and can still act creepy, so if I was a girl here I would be afraid to ask anything because most responses will ultimately be "wanna f*(&k?" Those guys could never be that way in person when they just met a girl, but are empowered or emboldened onlhne to say the most inappropriate things.

    Ultimately, it sucks for us. Broken Heart smilie emoji/emoticon smiley
  • markowilde Dating Profile
    markowilde 8 Posts Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Oct 13, 2023 8:13 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    Addendum: as exhibit A to my post, look at the votes for this poll!! 7 votes: 1 girl, 6 guys. Its a microcosm.
  • NorthPhoenix Dating Profile
    NorthPhoenix 6 Posts Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    Oct 17, 2023 6:32 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    # 1 reason:⤵️
    They read the guy’s profile and determine he dose not make enough money and or the job doesn’t indicate that he makes good money.
  • NorthPhoenix Dating Profile
    NorthPhoenix 6 Posts Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    Oct 17, 2023 6:37 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    # 1 reason⤵️
    He dose not make enough money .
  • NorthPhoenix Dating Profile
    NorthPhoenix 6 Posts Phoenix, Arizona, USA
    Oct 17, 2023 6:40 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    He doesn’t live a lavish enough lifestyle for her or he doesn’t have a prestigious career or doesn’t drive a fancy car.
  • Ameriwannica Dating Profile
    Ameriwannica 6 Posts Des Moines, Iowa, USA
    Sep 12, 2024 4:32 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    its J. Girls want money and dont care about men....
  • Ameriwannica Dating Profile
    Ameriwannica 6 Posts Des Moines, Iowa, USA
    Sep 12, 2024 4:55 PM UTC

    What are the possible reasons for the lack of Girls inquiries about Guys?

    The reason so many women are single is because they want to be paid to be in a relationship... Im not ur boss you dumb fuckin retarded bitches... (all that think like this are dumb retarded bitches) ...if you wanna date me I would never pay you....that would just make you a WHORE! ....Sorry :) Ive never dated a whore....and I refuse to ever yo!
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Poll Statistics
11 Votes (1 Women, 10 Men)
Last Vote: Apr 23, 2024 7:40 PM UTC
Created: Dec 16, 2022 5:40 AM UTC
Last Viewed: 1 sec
Last Comment: Sep 12, 2024 4:55 PM UTC
Likes: 6 (1 Women, 5 Men)
Last Liked: Sep 12, 2024 4:56 PM UTC
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